Fill in either be used to or get used to in the appropriate forms. 1 For older people it’s rater difficult to change a place of living. Children get used to new environment much easier.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in either be used to or get used to in the appropriate forms.
1 For older people it’s rater difficult to change a place of living. Children get used to new environment much easier.
— Are you feeling OK after the tour round the city? Would you like to take a car?
— No, I’m not tired at all. I’m used to walking long distances, and enjoy it better than driving.
3 As a chemist, he was used to working with different substances and never got injured. However, he never let anyone into his lab when he was experimenting.
— I can’t start working from 7 am! I’m not able to wake up so early!
— Everyone says so. But you’ll get used to early rising in a week, and then, I’m sure, you’ll enjoy it.

Ответ от эксперта

1 get used to
2 am used to
3 was used to
4 will get used to

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