Fill in: dishonest, aggressive, patient, jealous, selfish, mean, caring, loyal, moody, trusting. 1 You are just too trusting! You shouldn’t believe everything people tell you!

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: dishonest, aggressive, patient, jealous, selfish, mean, caring, loyal, moody, trusting.
1    You are just too trusting! You shouldn’t believe everything people tell you!
2    She is so selfish. She only thinks of herself!
3    Thanks for your support. You’re such a loyal friend.
4    John is happy one minute and sad the next. He’s so moody.
5    Lee can be very aggressive at times. I thought he was going to hit you.
6    I know the queue is long, but we must be patient and wait our turn.
7    Violet is so helpful. She’s a caring person.
8    Bill always says unkind things to me. He’s so mean.
9    Every word that comes out of her mouth is a lie. She is a very dishonest person.
10    Stop being jealous. You can’t have it all for yourself.

Ответ от эксперта

1    trusting
2    selfish
3    loyal
4    moody
5    aggressive
6    patient
7    caring
8    mean
9    dishonest
10    jealous

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