Fill in: back, out of, up with, on, off. Check in Appendix 1. 1 Please keep the dog……..the kitchen — it’s not hygienic to have him in there, (prevent from entering

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: back, out of, up with, on, off. Check in Appendix 1.
1 Please keep the dog……..the kitchen — it’s not hygienic to have him in there, (prevent from entering
2 Keep……..! The burning building is about to collapse! (don’t go near
3 Martha and Kate kept……..whispering, even after I had told them to stop, (continued
4 Jody was finding it very difficult to keep ……..her schoolwork. (stay on schedule
5 The sign says ‘keep…….. the grass’, (don’t walk on

Ответ от эксперта

1 out of (keep out of — препятствовать от)
2 back (keep back — держаться в стороне)
3 on (keep on — продолжать что-либо делать)
4 up with (keep up with — следовать (расписанию)
5 off (keep off — не приближаться)

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