Fill in: at, in, on, for, without, off. Check in Appendix 2. 1 We spent a week ……. the seaside last summer. 2 There are many bikes…….hire in Helsinki.

Вопрос от пользователя

Fill in: at, in, on, for, without, off. Check in Appendix 2.
1    We spent a week ……. the seaside last summer.
2    There are many bikes…….hire in Helsinki.
3    You can find cheaper plane tickets if you decide to travel…….season.
4    We will send you the tickets by Monday…….delay.
5    The boat sank with three passengers …….board.
6    Shall we book our train tickets…….advance?

Ответ от эксперта

1 at
2 for
3 off
4 without
5 on
6 in

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