During the war Kathleen had been engaged to an officer in the U.S. navy, who was killed

Вопрос посетителя

After the Parkers had decided to send their child to the adoption society …
 (*ответ*) Raymond got a transfer to London
 they told the priest they would try to have another baby
 Lou suggested they should go to the United States
 their friends managed to make them change their minds and keep the baby
Apart from George, … was grilled by the police in connection with the murder:
 (*ответ*) the byreman
 George’s uncle
At the beginning of their marriage, being worried about not having children, the Parkers had submitted themselves to medical tests as a result of which …
 (*ответ*) Lou had a course of injections
 they both had to take medicines
 Lou was operated on at once
 Raymond had a course of injections
Before her marriage Lou had been a …
 (*ответ*) nurse
Before his departure Oxford promised to write to the Parkers …
 (*ответ*) but they never heard from him
 and he kept his promise
 but he only sent them a couple of telegrams
 but instead of writing, he phoned them twice a week
Before Lou left Elizabeth’s house, she had given Elizabeth …
 (*ответ*) all her next week’s housekeeping money
 a piece of advice how to raise a family
 her hat, bag and gloves
Blackie asked Trevor if he hated Mr. Thomas a lot, because …
 (*ответ*) destroying Mr. Thomas’ savings Trevor said he would have liked to see his face when they were through
 Trevor said he would not leave Mr. Thomas alone until he died
 Trevor said Mr. Thomas was his bitter enemy
 Trevor said the moment he destroyed his money was the happiest moment in his life
Blackie did not leave the gang because …
 (*ответ*) he believed in Trevor’s plan
 Mike said that if Blackie left the gang he would follow him
 Trevor asked him to stay
 he hated Trevor and tried to do everything to make Trevor leave the gang
Blackie said he had seen … at work:
 (*ответ*) housebreakers
Blackie said that nobody would pinch things from Mr. Thomas’ house, because …
 (*ответ*) he didn’t want any court stuff
 Mr. Thomas promised to give Blackie his gold watch
 he felt a sympathy for Mr. Thomas
 he didn’t need Mr. Thomas’ things
Blackie was anxious …
 (*ответ*) to retain Trevor in the gang if he could
 to make Trevor speak in the humblest accents
 to humiliate Trevor’s pride
 to get rid of Trevor as soon as possible
By the end of the destruction the question of … no longer concerned the gang:
 (*ответ*) leadership
By the time Trevor arrived at the meeting, the boys had voted for …
 (*ответ*) free rides
 daylight robbery
 theft from the nearest supermarket
Describing Mr. Thomas’ house, Trevor told the boys that the house was …
 (*ответ*) beautiful
 very cold
 unfitted with dressers
Destroying Mr. Thomas’ savings Trevor told Blackie there would have been no fun if he had … Mr. Thomas:
 (*ответ*) hated
During the war Kathleen had been engaged to …
 (*ответ*) an officer in the U.S. navy, who was killed
 a Scotch man, who broke off the engagement after the war
 a French soldier, who refused to marry her after the war
 an English colonel, who left her

Ответ эксперта

After the Parkers had decided to send their child to the adoption society …
 (*ответ*) Raymond got a transfer to London
 they told the priest they would try to have another baby
 Lou suggested they should go to the United States
 their friends managed to make them change their minds and keep the baby
Apart from George, … was grilled by the police in connection with the murder:
 (*ответ*) the byreman
 George’s uncle
At the beginning of their marriage, being worried about not having children, the Parkers had submitted themselves to medical tests as a result of which …
 (*ответ*) Lou had a course of injections
 they both had to take medicines
 Lou was operated on at once
 Raymond had a course of injections
Before her marriage Lou had been a …
 (*ответ*) nurse
Before his departure Oxford promised to write to the Parkers …
 (*ответ*) but they never heard from him
 and he kept his promise
 but he only sent them a couple of telegrams
 but instead of writing, he phoned them twice a week
Before Lou left Elizabeth’s house, she had given Elizabeth …
 (*ответ*) all her next week’s housekeeping money
 a piece of advice how to raise a family
 her hat, bag and gloves
Blackie asked Trevor if he hated Mr. Thomas a lot, because …
 (*ответ*) destroying Mr. Thomas’ savings Trevor said he would have liked to see his face when they were through
 Trevor said he would not leave Mr. Thomas alone until he died
 Trevor said Mr. Thomas was his bitter enemy
 Trevor said the moment he destroyed his money was the happiest moment in his life
Blackie did not leave the gang because …
 (*ответ*) he believed in Trevor’s plan
 Mike said that if Blackie left the gang he would follow him
 Trevor asked him to stay
 he hated Trevor and tried to do everything to make Trevor leave the gang
Blackie said he had seen … at work:
 (*ответ*) housebreakers
Blackie said that nobody would pinch things from Mr. Thomas’ house, because …
 (*ответ*) he didn’t want any court stuff
 Mr. Thomas promised to give Blackie his gold watch
 he felt a sympathy for Mr. Thomas
 he didn’t need Mr. Thomas’ things
Blackie was anxious …
 (*ответ*) to retain Trevor in the gang if he could
 to make Trevor speak in the humblest accents
 to humiliate Trevor’s pride
 to get rid of Trevor as soon as possible
By the end of the destruction the question of … no longer concerned the gang:
 (*ответ*) leadership
By the time Trevor arrived at the meeting, the boys had voted for …
 (*ответ*) free rides
 daylight robbery
 theft from the nearest supermarket
Describing Mr. Thomas’ house, Trevor told the boys that the house was …
 (*ответ*) beautiful
 very cold
 unfitted with dressers
Destroying Mr. Thomas’ savings Trevor told Blackie there would have been no fun if he had … Mr. Thomas:
 (*ответ*) hated
During the war Kathleen had been engaged to …
 (*ответ*) an officer in the U.S. navy, who was killed
 a Scotch man, who broke off the engagement after the war
 a French soldier, who refused to marry her after the war
 an English colonel, who left her

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