Do the tasks below. Then calculate your correct answers. 1 Read through the text and select some of the verbs. Match the verbs with their correct tenses. (6 points)

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Do the tasks below. Then calculate your correct answers.
1 Read through the text and select some of the verbs. Match the verbs with their correct tenses. (6 points)
Present simple
Present continuous
Past simple
Past perfect
Past continuous
Present perfect
2 Which of the sentences describes a temporary situation? Which one describes a permanent one? (2 points)
a)    They employ lots of people.
b)    They are employing new staff.
a)    From 1989 to 1995 he played in a rock group.
b)    When I first saw him, he was playing the piano.
3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. (8 points)
a)    (You / like) this kind of music?
b)    What (you / think) about this song?
c)    What (you / think) about? You look worried.
d)    My son (be) very naughty
e) My son (be) very naughty these days. It is so untypical of him.
f) I (not / know) anything about this band.
g)    He (not / have) an MP3 player.
h)    He (have) a talk with the manager. He can’t see you right now.
4 Choose the correct sentences. (2 points)
a)    The Beatles have sold millions of records over a period of eight years.
b)    The Beatles sold millions of records over a period of eight years.
a)    She has worked in show business for eight years and she likes it.
b)    She worked in show business for eight years and she likes it.
5 Choose the correct way to complete the sentences. (2 points)
a) They had worked together for several years
..before they became successful.
..and now they are very popular.
b) They have worked together for several years
..before they decided to record an album.
..but they still don’t get on well.

Ответ от эксперта

Настоящее простое — agree, become, are, changes, is, buys
Настоящее продолженное — is changing
Прошедшее простое — developed, started, could, created, appeared, decided, sold, became
Ппрошедшее продолженное — was spreading, was playing
Настоящее завершенное — has spread, have entered

Временная ситуация — b), b)
Постоянная ситуация — a), a)

a Do you like this kind of music?
b What do you think about this song?
c What are you thinking about?
d My son is very naughty.
e My son is being very naughty these days. 0 I don’t know anything about this band.
g He doesn’t have an MP3 player.
h He is having a talk with the manager.


a)…before they became successful
b)…but they still don’t get on well

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