Do the crossword puzzle. Down: 1 all people of about the same age Across: 2 the synonym toallow»

Вопрос от пользователя

Do the crossword puzzle.
1 all people of about the same age
2 the synonym toallow»
3 any of the twelve periods of the year, each of them has its own name
4 to earn something by actions, behaviour, patience
5 to be aggressive, to shout to demonstrate disagreement
6 trousers made of cotton, very popular with young people of all generations
7 members of one family
8 to think that something is true
9 the red liquid substance which flows through the body

Ответ от эксперта

1 generation (поколение)
2 let (позволять)
3 month (месяц)
4 deserve (заслуживать)
5 quarrel (ссориться)
6 jeans (джинсы)
7 relatives (родственники)
8 believe (верить)
9 blood (кровь)

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