Divide the text in paragraphs. Underline the words that start each paragraph Mark’s favourite day is Saturday. He gets up at nine o’clock. In the morning he has breakfast, then, he goes to the park

Вопрос от пользователя

Divide the text in paragraphs. Underline the words that start each paragraph
Mark’s favourite day is Saturday. He gets up at nine o’clock. In the morning he has breakfast, then, he goes to the park

Ответ от эксперта

Mark’s favourite day is Saturday. He gets up at nine o’clock. In the morning he has breakfast, then, he goes to the park. — Любимый день Марка — суббота. Он встает в девять утра, завтракает, а затем идет в парк.

In the afternoon, Mark watches television. He also plays computer games. — После полудня Марк смотрит телевизор. Он также играет в компьютерные игры.

Then, at ten o’clock, Mark goes to bed. Saturdays are a lot of fun for Mark! — Затем, в десять вечера, Марк ложиться спать. Марк хорошо проводит время по субботам!

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