Discuss with your partner if you would like to try your chance in the Teenagers’ Competition. Use: try/take my/your chance, be in luck, win the prize, test my/your English, find many

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Discuss with your partner if you would like to try your chance in the Teenagers’ Competition.
try/take my/your chance, be in luck, win the prize, test my/your English, find many new friends, miss my/your chance, it’s worth trying, it’s interesting to win something for nothing; have no chance, it’s a chance in a million, too many participants, be out of luck, it’s boring, hate losing, can’t use the Internet; waste of time, in my opinion, as for me, I believe.

Ответ от эксперта

— In my opinion, it’s just waste of time to take part in such competition/contest (По моему, это пустая трата времени принимать участие в этом конкурсе).
— And I believe that it is a chance in a million (А вот я верю, что это шанс на миллион).
— I think you have no chance because there are too many participants. And I hate losing (Я думаю у тебя нет шансов, там будет очень много участников. Я а не люблю проигрывать).
— As for me, I’ll try my chance and test my Russian (А вот я попытаю шанс и пройду тест по русскому).
— So, Good luck! (Ну что ж, удачи!)

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