Different Internet sites give information about children’s and their parents’ spare time activities. Make the sentences. Give more variants if possible. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

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Different Internet sites give information about children’s and their parents’ spare time
Make the sentences. Give more variants if possible. There is an example (0) at the
(0) Many boys and girls come to Children’s Play Areas and play ball’-games.
(Children’s Play Area / and play / Many boys and girls / come to / ball games)
(children and their parents / In picnic areas / a wonderful time / spend / every weekend / together)
(listen to music and / at the park concerts / dance to music / People / every day)
 (Some children / at the sports centre / every Saturday / play tennis)
 (their parents / take a walk / at weekends / Many children and / like to / in the park)
(in the playground / Small children / play games / often)

Ответ от эксперта

(О) Many boys and girls come to Children’s Play Areas and play ball -flames.
1 In picnic areas children and their parents spend a wonderful time loaether every weekend.
2. People listen to music and dance lo music at the park concerts every day.
3.  Some children play tennis at the sports centre every Saturday.
4.  Many children and their parents like to take a walk in the park at . weekends,
5.  Small cliildrcn often play games in the playground.

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