Decide which of the following would be appropriate for a letter of application for this job. • how many brothers and sisters you have • previous work experience

Вопрос от пользователя

Decide which of the following would be appropriate for a letter of application for this job.
•    how many brothers and sisters you have
•    previous work experience
•    how many GCSEs/other qualifications you have
•    where you saw the advert
•    what you look like
•    why you are interested in the job
•    what pets you have
•    your positive qualities
•    negative things about your personality
•    when you are available for an interview
•    when you could start work
•    what languages you speak
•    your plans for the summer
•    your age
•    what you do/what you are studying
С Compare with your partner. Give reasons.

Ответ от эксперта

• previous work experience (предыдущий опыт работы)
• how many GCSEs/other qualifications you have (сколько выпускных экзаменов в школе/какие другие квалификации у вас есть)
• where you saw the advert (где вы видели объявление)
• why you are interested in the job (почему вы заинтересованы в работе)
• your positive qualities (Ваши положительные качества)
• when you are available for an interview (когда вы доступны для интервью)
• when you could start work (когда вы могли бы начать работу)
• what languages you speak (на каких языках вы разговариваете)
• your age (Ваш возраст)
• what you do/what you are studying (что вы делаете/что вы изучаете)

They are the most relevant to an employer and they are included in the model on p. 54.
(Они являются наиболее актуальными для работодателя, и они включены в образец на стр. 54).

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