Decide which of the following features (1-8) a formal letter should have, then read the theory box and check. Find two more features in the theory box and add them to the list.

Вопрос от пользователя

Decide which of the following features (1-8) a formal letter should have, then read the theory box and check. Find two more features in the theory box and add them to the list.
1 a personal, chatty style
2 very specific greetings/endings
3 everyday language
4 advanced language/vocabulary
5 set phrases
6 short forms
7 use of the passive
8 lots of phrasal verbs/idioms
Formal letters are characterised by:
•    formal greetings and endings, e.g. Dear Mr Barnes … Yours sincerely (when you know the person’s name), Dear Sir/Madam … Yours faithfully (when you don’t know the person’s name).
•    advanced/formal vocabulary/set phrases, e.g. I am writing to apply for the position of…
•    formal linkers/phrases, e.g. For this reason, therefore, however.
•    the use of the passive, e.g. I can be contacted….
•    the use of full forms, e.g. I have always been interested in … (NOT: I’ve always…).
Formal letters don’t use: informal greetings/ endings, everyday language/colloquial expressions, a lot of phrasal verbs/idioms, short forms or abbreviations.
I am writing to apply for the position of Summer Tour Guide which was advertised in this week’s edition of the ‘Weekly Herald’.
I am 18 years old and in my final year at sixth form college. I am considering a career in the tourist industry after I leave college. For this reason, I would like to gain some valuable experience working with tourists.
I have 9 GCSEs, including Maths and English. I also have two years’ experience working as a Saturday sales assistant, which I enjoyed very much. I speak some French and German and have a good knowledge of my local area. I am described by my teachers as enthusiastic, confident and reliable.
i would be available for an interview at any time. I have enclosed a copy of my CV. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

Ответ от эксперта

2 very specific greetings/endings (очень конкретные поздравления/окончания)
4 advanced language/vocabulary (расширенный язык/лексика)
5 set phrases (набор фраз)
7 use of the passive (использование страдательного залога)
9 formal linkers/phrases (формальные линкеры/фразы)
10 full forms (полные формы)

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