Complete the text with articles as necessary. What is happening to our weather? Although most of us say we love the hot weather, I wonder if we would feel

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Complete the text with articles as necessary.
What is happening to our weather?
Although most of us say we love the hot weather, I wonder if we would feel (0) the same if every day was the same with predictable sunshine and heat? Never having lived in (1)… hot country for more than (2)… few weeks I am not sure what my (3)… opinion would be. Maybe I would miss (4)… rain? There is something about (5)… freshness that is in (6)… air after (7)… summer rainfall. When I was younger I was scared of (8)… thunder and my mum used to tell me it was only God moving his furniture around! To pass (9)… time we counted between (10)… lightning flashes and thunder, (11)… number we got to was supposed to be (12)… number of miles away we were from (13)… storm.
It is shame that today we don’t have those heavy snowfalls, these should be part of everyone’s childhood! Sledging down (14)… nearest slope until your fingers feel as though they will drop off was all part of (15)… fun! These days with (16)… first flurries of snow we are given weather warnings and told not to go out unless our journey is «essential». There is (17)… outcry if schools are closed, but is (18)… journey to school «essential» in such weather conditions? A debatable point! I remember having to struggle through deep snow to get to (19)… school, but as it was only (20)… short distance from home and the teachers all lived locally, that was no problem. Nowadays it is somewhat different. Our seasons seem to have disappeared — or have they merged into each other?

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