Complete the text: make the word in capitals suitable for filling in the blank space Nowadays, learning languages is becoming a popular hobby. Our summer school has opened to students who want to improve their English.

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Complete the text: make the word in capitals suitable for filling in the blank space
Nowadays, learning languages is becoming a popular hobby. Our summer school has opened to students who want to improve their English.

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Nowadays, learning languages is becoming a popular hobby. Our summer school has opened to students who want to improve their English.

The first lesson starts at 9.00 a.m. Our students discuss different topics. act out little plays, and learn the most interesting facts about English history. After lunch, children do projects on British traditions and places of interest. Last year, some of our students took part in a school trip to Iteland and the Isle of Man.

There are plenty of activities which students can choose after the lessons: sports games on the sports ground, music perfomances, disco and so on. If you don’t like sport or dancing, you can join one of our clubs. Our school also has various school events: music concerts, festivals and school trips. Next weekend, we will (shall) camping in Wales. We are happy to see you in our school!









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