Complete the text by using the correct form of the word in bold. Game on! Video gaming is a popular form of 1) entertainment

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Complete the text by using the correct form of the word in bold.
Game on!
Video gaming is a popular form of 1) entertainment for millions of people around the world. Perhaps the biggest 2) development in video game technology has come with the 3) introduction of the Wii, the Nintendo console, in 2007. Wii allows users to play games interactively using a special piece of wireless 4) equipment called a Wiimote. You can bowl, box or golf by making the same physical 5) movements required for these activities in real life.
Despite advances in technology, 6) discussion about the negative effects of video games continues. Many parents claim that video games distract teenagers’ attention from their 7) schooling. Others call for the 8) omission of violence from video games. However, video games continue to grow in popularity. Recent research has led to the 9) discovery that more and more adults are enjoying video games. It seems that for now, millions of people around the world will ‘game on’.

Ответ от эксперта

1 entertainment
2 development
3 introduction
4 equipment
5 movements
6 discussion
7 schooling
8 omission
9 discovery

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