Complete the table below with verb forms from the text. How do the tenses and pronouns change in reported speech? Which reporting verbs are used?

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Complete the table below with verb forms from the text. How do the tenses and pronouns change in reported speech? Which reporting verbs are used?

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1 were (были)
2 were planning (планировали)
3 had not kept (не сдержало)
4 would
5 had received (получили)
6 couldn’t (не могли)
7 hadn’t received (не получили)
8 to wait (подождать)
9 not to worry (не беспокоиться)

In reported speech the tenses change as follows: (В косвенной речи времена меняются так:)

present simple -> past simple
present continuous -> past continuous
present perfect -> past perfect
past simple -> past simple or past perfect
past continuous -> past continuous or past perfect continuous
future (will) -> conditional (would)

Pronouns also change (Предлоги также меняются): I-he/she, you-mе, your (plural)-our, we-they, etc.
The following reporting verbs are used (Следующие глаголы для ответа используются): said (that), told (me/him/her, etc) (that).

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