Complete the sentences with the present simple or future simple. Compare with your partner. 1 Take your coat before you leave. 2 When we arrive in Moscow, I will call you.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences with the present simple or future simple. Compare with your partner.
1    Take your coat before you leave.
2    When we arrive in Moscow, I will call you.
3    Don’t tell Anna the news before I arrive.
4    He’ll go to the internet cafe as soon as he finishes work.
5    After I finish eating I will clean up.
6    I will call you when I am free.
7    Do you know when will she return?

Ответ от эксперта

1 you leave (Present Simple)
2 I will call you (Future Simple)
3 I arrive (Present Simple)
4 he finishes work (Present Simple)
5 I will clean up (Future Simple)
6 I am free (Present Simple)
7 will she return (Future Simple)

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