Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 Sheila has gone to the bazaar. She’ll be back in an hour.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.
1    Sheila has gone to the bazaar. She’ll be back in an hour.
2    You look sweaty! Have you been working out?
3    How much has Helen spent on her English books?
4    The house smells wonderful! Has Mum been baking a cake?
5    How long has Tom been saving to buy a new PC?
6    Robin has never been abroad.
7    He has been working very hard recently. He needs some time off.
8    We have not bought all our Christmas presents yet.
9    Joy has been cleaning the house since 9 o’clock. Can you give her a hand?
10 Have you ever eaten Thai food?

Ответ от эксперта

1 has gone
2 Have you been working
3 has Helen spent
4 Has Mum been baking
5 has Tom been saving
6 has never been
7 he has been working
8 haven’t bought
9 has been cleaning
10 Have you ever eaten

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