Complete the sentences with the following prepositions. 1 Margaret feels very close to her sister-in-law. 2 Aren’t you ashamed of treating her that way?

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences with the following prepositions.
1    Margaret feels very close to her sister-in-law.
2    Aren’t you ashamed of treating her that way?
3    Frank has a great deal of respect for his teachers.
4    William is very attached to his friends at school.
5    Couples often argue about money.

Ответ от эксперта

1 to
2 of
3 for
4 to
5 about

1 Маргарет чувствует, что очень близка с сестрой по мужу (золовкой).
2 Как вам не стыдно за такое отношение к ней?
3 Франк имеет большое уважение к своим учителям.
4 Уильям очень привязан к своим друзьям в школе.
5 Пары часто спорят по поводу денег.

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