Complete the sentences with the following adverbs: happily, anxiously, slowly, loudly, patiently, hungrily. 1 There was a long queue for tickets at the train station

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Complete the sentences with the following adverbs: happily, anxiously, slowly, loudly, patiently, hungrily.
1 There was a long queue for tickets at the train station, but Nathan waited patiently for his turn.
2 Paddy was listening to his car radio as the traffic was moving slowly along the motorway.
3 Having spent the day trekking in the mountains, Clare ate hungrily in the village’s only restaurant.
4 «There’s too much snow for us to climb it today,” John thought anxiously as he looked at the mountain.
5 Nora screamed loudly at the sight of the huge lion.
6 Barry smiled happily when his grandchildren entered the room.

Ответ от эксперта

1 patiently (терпеливо)
2 slowly (медленно)
3 hungrily (жадно, как голодный)
4 anxiously (с тревогой)
5 loudly (громко)
6 happily (счастливо)

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