Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold. 1 School uniforms don’t help young people develop a sense of individuality

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in bold.
1    School uniforms don’t help young people develop a sense of individuality
2    I really love this shop as the prices are quite affordable
3    Valentin Yudashkin is probably Russia’s most famous fashion designer
4    My best friend Carmel is the most helpful person I know. She’s an inspiration to me.
5    Owning up to breaking the window was the eliminate thing to do.

Ответ от эксперта

1 individuality (индивидуальность)
2 affordable (доступный)
3 designer (модельер)
4 inspiration (источник вдохновения)
5 honest (благородное)

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