Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms. Use the Present Progressive Tense, to be going to and the Future Simple Tense. There is an example (0) at the beginning

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Complete  the  sentences  with   the   correct  verb   forms.   Use   the   Present Progressive Tense, to be going to and the Future Simple Tense. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
0  It is raining all day today. It is going to be wet (be) tomorrow.
1  There are many dark clouds. It_____________________(snow).
2  — Do you have any plans for the weekend?
—  Yes, I___________________________(visit) my grandparents.
3  — Have a nice time in Edinburgh! What are your plans for the trip?
—  Maybe I___________________(visit) the most beautiful places
4  It has become dark and stuffy. It______________________(be
5  — It will be sunny and warm tomorrow. Have you decided what to do tomorrow?
—  Yes, I _________________________ (plant) flowers in the garden.

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