Complete the sentences with the correct idioms. Check in Appendix 3. Are there similar ones in your language? 1 This film is so boring it’s like watching paint dry.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences with the correct idioms. Check in Appendix 3. Are there similar ones in your language?
1    This film is so boring it’s like watching paint dry.
2    I want to have some fun. Let’s go out tonight and paint the town red.
3    I know Sam and Dan can be a bit boring but don’t paint Tim with the same brush. Not all people who like science fiction are bores!
4    The documentary paints a grim picture of life in the war-torn region.

Ответ от эксперта

1 like watching paint dry (смотреть, как сохнет краска)
2 paint the town red (уйти в загул)
3 paint… with the same brush (нарисовать…с той же кистью)
4 paints a grim picture of (рисует мрачную картину)

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