Complete the sentences with the correct forms (Past Simple or Past Continuous) of the verbs in brackets. — 1. When Dad came home, we were studying

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences with the correct forms (Past Simple or Past Continuous) of the verbs in brackets. —
1. When Dad came home, we were studying

Ответ от эксперта

1. When Dad came home, we were studying. — Когда папа пришел домой, мы учились.
2. I was sitting in the garden when Wendy arrived. — Я сидел в саду, когда Венди приехала.
3. Martin was having breakfast when Jane phoned. — Мартин завтракал, когда Джейн позвонила.
4. We were sleeping when our mum came into our room. — Мы спали, когда наша мама зашла в нашу комнату.
5. I saw Harrison Ford when he was making a film in London. — Я видел Харрисона Форда, когда он снимал фильм в Лондоне.
6. Betty was living in Berlin when she started playing the violin. — Бетти жила в Берлине, когда она начала играть на скрипке.
7. The train was leaving when we got to the station. — Поезд уходил, когда мы добрались до станции.
8. She was wearing a black jacket when she arrived at the party. — Она была одета в черную куртку, когда она прибыла на вечеринку.

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