Complete the sentences with one word only. 1 That’s a nice idea, but it still doesn’t … our problem. 2 The unusually hot weather is … serious problems for the country.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences with one word only.
1 That’s a nice idea, but it still doesn’t … our problem.
2 The unusually hot weather is … serious problems for the country.
3 I don’t think I will … problems passing this exam.
4 Let’s … at the problem from a different perspective.
5 First of all, I tried to think the problem ….
6 I couldn’t find any … to it.

Ответ от эксперта

1. solve (решать)
2. causing (вызывает)
3. have (будут)
4. look (смотреть)
5. over (обдумать — think over)
6. solution (решение)

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