Complete the sentences using the verbs in the correct form (infinitive or Ving) and answer the questions to find out your health habits. 0) Do you like eating (to eat) fish?

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences using the verbs in the correct form (infinitive or Ving) and answer the questions to find out your health habits.
0)  Do you like   eating   (to eat) fish?
Yes, I do. I like eating fried fish.
1)  Are you crazy about ___________ (to eat) fast food?
2)  Are you fond of___________ (to get) up early?
3)  Are you good at ___________ (to cook) homemade food?
4)  Can you spend a day without _              __ (to play) on your computer?
5)  Are you eager ___________ (to lose) weight?
6)  Do you mind___________ (to drink) milk?
7)  Do you look forward to ___________ (to play) sports?
8)  Do your parents make you ___________ (to have) breakfast?
9)  Do you prefer ___________ (to walk) to ___________ (to sit) in front of the
10)  Would you refuse ___________ (to have) a fatty pizza for lunch every day?
11)  Rather than___________(to eat) a ready meal like pizza, would you eat homemade soup?
12)  Do you want ___________ (to be) healthier?

Ответ от эксперта

1) eating; 2) getting; 3) cooking; 4) playing; 5) to lose; 6) drinking; 7) playing; 8) have; 9) walking, sitting; 10) to have; 11) eating; 12) to be

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