Complete the sentences, using the past perfect tense. The first one is done for you. 1. By the time we went outside to play football, it had already started raining.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences, using the past perfect tense. The first one is done for you.
1. By the time we went outside to play football, it had already started raining.
2. When I arrived at the airport, I saw that the plane had already taken off.
3. When Peter’s mum asked him about his homework he said that he had already done it.
4. When they got to Ann’s place, all the guests had already left.
5. By the time I got home from school my grandma had already cooked dinner.
6. When the teacher came into the classroom, the pupils had already learnt the results of the test.

Ответ от эксперта

2. When I arrived at the airport, I saw that the plane had already taken off.
(Когда я прибыла в аэропорт, я увидела, как самолет уже взлетел)
3. When Peter’s mum asked him about his homework he said that he had already done it.
(Когда мама Питера спросила его о домашнем задании, он сказал, что он уже сделал его)
4. When they got to Ann’s place, all the guests had already left.
(Когда они добрались до места Анны, все гости уже уехали)
5. By the time I got home from school my grandma had already cooked dinner.
(К тому времени как я добрался домой со школы, моя бабушка уже приготовила ужин)
6. When the teacher came into the classroom, the pupils had already learnt the results of the test.
(Когда учитель вошел в класс, ученики уже узнали результаты теста)

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