Complete the sentences using a compound adjective. 1 She’s got dark hair. She’s a > dark haired girl. 2 That woman has a real sharp tongue. She’s a sharp- tongued woman.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the sentences using a compound adjective.
1    She’s got dark hair.
She’s a > dark haired girl.
2    That woman has a real sharp tongue. She’s a sharp- tongued woman.
3    The rugby player has got broad shoulders. He’s a broad- shouldered rugby player.
4    The insect with the green eyes is amazing. It’s an amazing green- eyed insect.
5    My grandmother has such a warm heart. My grandmother is such a warm- hearted woman.
6    That boy has a real baby face. He’s a real baby- faced boy.
7    Your baby has beautiful wide eyes. It’s a beautiful wide- eyed baby.
8    That spider has got very long legs. It’s a very long- legged spider.
9    Ivan the Terrible was a ruler with a cold heart. Ivan the Terrible was a cold- hearted ruler.

Ответ от эксперта

2 sharp-tongued (злоязычный, языкастый)
3 broad-shouldered (широкоплечий)
4 green-eyed (зеленоглазый)
5 warm-hearted (добросердечный)
6 baby-faced (с детским лицом)
7 wide-eyed (широкоглазый)
8 long-legged (длинноногий)
9 cold-hearted (хладнокровный)

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