Complete the sentences. Use the text in Ex.59. 1. Hallowe’en is on the 31 October. 2. People dress up as witches, ghosts, devils, cats, or bats.

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Complete the sentences. Use the text in Ex.59.
1. Hallowe’en is on the 31 October.
2. People dress up as witches, ghosts, devils, cats, or bats.
3. Houses are decorated with pumpkins with candles inside them.
4. Some children knock at the house and ask «Trick or treat?»
5. If you don’t give any money or sweets, they go away.
6. People usually tell a scary story on Hallowe’en night.

Ответ от эксперта

1. Halloween is on the 31 October.
2. People dress up as witches, ghosts, devils, cats or bats.
3. Houses are decorated with pumpkins with candles inside them.
4. Some children knock at the house and ask «Trick or treat?»
5. If you don’t give any money or sweets, they go away.
6. People usually tell a scary story on Halloween night.

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