Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter. Example: You can see different kinds … animals in the zoo. a) off b) of c) for

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Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.
Example: You can see different kinds … animals in the zoo.
                  a) off   b) of   c) for

Ответ от эксперта

1. The students will have Science instead … Maths. The Maths teacher has fallen ill.

a) off   b) of   c) from

2. Mum, could I go … some rides? — Yes, of course.

a) of   b) at   c) on

3. There are plenty …, ways to cook this tasty dish.

a) of   b) on  c) in

4. Carol was responsible … the rare topical plant, wasn’t she?

a) on   b) at   c) for

5. Could you help me … my homework? — Yes, i’ll try.

a) on   b) with   c) of

6. The students fely sorry … their new classmate.

a) of   b) for   c) on

7. May I come …? — Yes, you may.

a) out   b) on   c) in

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