Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words. 1 «We missed the last train,» David said. David said that they had missed the last train.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words.
1 «We missed the last train,» David said.
David said that they had missed the last train.
2 «Can I have a return ticket, please?» Sophie asked the ticket seller.
Sophie asked the ticket seller if she could have a return ticket.
3 «Let’s play football,» Kyle said.
Kyle suggested playing football.
4 «I’m flying to Paris on Saturday,» she said to her friend.
She told her friend that she was flying to Paris on Saturday.
5 «Don’t run near the pool!» the lifeguard said to them.
The lifeguard told them not to run near the pool.
6 «Why were you late coming home?» Julie asked her son.
Julie asked her son why he had been late coming home.
7 «Have a valid passport with you,» the travel agent said to Kim.
The travel agent told Kim to have a valid passport with her.
8 «Does this hotel have room service?» he asked the receptionist.
He asked the receptionist if the hotel had room service.

Ответ от эксперта

1 had missed
2 she could have
3 playing
4 she was flying
5 not to run
6 he had been
7 to have a
8 the hotel had

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