Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use two to five words. 1 Larry was born in that house.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use two to five words.
1 Larry was born in that house.
in That…………Larry was born.
2 We enjoyed our holiday a lot.
good We had……….. while on holiday.
3 The suitcase is too heavy for me to lift.
such It’s………..that I can’t lift it.
4 Take your gloves, it may get cold.
gets Take your gloves……….cold.
5 The concert was postponed because it was snowing heavily.
off The concert was…….snow.

Ответ от эксперта

1 is the house in which (дом, в котором)
2 a good time (хорошее время)
3 such a heavy suitcase (такой тяжелый чемодан)
4 in case it gets (в случае)
5 put off because of the (отложен из-за)

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