Complete the gaps (1-7) with the correct word formed from the words in bold. Leonardo da Vinci By now you have 1 ……….. read The Da Vinci Code

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Complete the gaps (1-7) with the correct word formed from the words in bold.
Leonardo da Vinci
By now you have 1 ……….. read The Da Vinci Code or seen the film. But who 2 ……….. was Leonardo da Vinci? Well, he was born in 1452 in Italy. He is most 3 ……….. for his 4 ………… the Mona Lisa. Da Vinci was also an 5 ……….. who designed a helicopter, a submarine and a parachute centuries before they were made. Leonardo thought that by understanding how each part of a machine worked, he could change them and then put them together in 6 ……….. ways. In this way he could improve 7 ………..machines or create new ones. He drew his ideas so well that 500 years later his sketches have been used to make perfect working models.

Ответ от эксперта

1 probably (вероятно)
2 exactly (именно)
3 famous (известен)
4 painting (картинa)
5 inventor (изобретатель)
6 different (различный)
7 existing (существующие)

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