Complete the following with too or enough and the words in brackets. 1 Our new neighbours are nice people, but I don’t think they are sociable enough. That’s why they never come to any of our parties.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the following with too or enough and the words in brackets.
1 Our new neighbours are nice people, but I don’t think they are sociable enough.
That’s why they never come to any of our parties.
2 I don’t like this new, modern block of flats; it looks too ugly.
3 It’s too noisy in here. Why don’t you go to the study to do your homework?
4 Let’s not sit in this park. It’s not clean enough.
5 Do you think this armchair is modern enough? I don’t want to buy something old-fashioned!
6 Our vacuum cleaner is too old. We need a new one.

Ответ от эксперта

1 sociable enough
2 too ugly
3 too noisy
4 clean enough
5 modern enough
6 too old

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