Complete the essay. Use the appropriate linking words (see Ex. 94, p. 33). The right I consider the most important Some people are not aware of the rights they have.

Вопрос посетителя

Complete the essay. Use the appropriate linking words (see Ex. 94, p. 33).
The right I consider the most important
Some people are not aware of the rights they have. For example, most of my friends have never thought about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. While, in fact, there are lots of rights listed there. Some of them are vitally important.
I personally think that the most important right, apart from the right to live of course, is the right _
To summarise, I want to highlight the idea that different people would nominate different rights for Right No 1. That’s why every right should be observed and none of them should be neglected.

Ответ эксперта

I personally think that the most important right, apart from the right to live of course, is the right to be with your parents if they’re what’s best for you. I think it’s really important for every child to receive care and support from his or her mother and father. Children should have the opportunity to communicate and spend time with their parents. Besides, parents are the people who have to provide their kid with the right to a decent standard of living and to an education. Unfortunately, a lot of children all over the globe do not have this important right, because their parents died or were deprived of parental rights.

Я лично считаю, что самое важное право, кроме права на жизнь, конечно, — это право быть со своими родителями, если они — это лучший вариант для вас. Я думаю, что это очень важно для каждого ребенка — получать заботу и поддержку от своих матери и отца. Дети должны иметь возможность общаться и проводить время со своими родителями. Кроме того, родители являются людьми, которые должны обеспечить своего ребенка правом на достойный уровень жизни и на образование. К сожалению, многие дети во всем мире не имеют такого важного права, потому что их родители умерли или были лишены родительских прав.

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