Complete the dialogues. Use the word combinations from ex. 3 on page 7. 1. — Hi, Jim! Why are you so sad? — I was out of luck yesterday. I lost my chess competition.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the dialogues. Use the word combinations from ex. 3 on page 7.
1. — Hi, Jim! Why are you so sad?
— I was out of luck yesterday. I lost my chess competition.
2. — Listen! Have you answered the questions of the Teenagers’ Competition?
— Not yet. But I’d like to take my chance and to take part in the competition.
— OK. Good luck!
3. — Mum, do you think I should take part in our maths competition?
— Of course, you should. Don’t miss your chance! You can go abroad absolutely free. It’s a chance in a million.

Ответ от эксперта

1. I was out of luck yesterday. I lost my chess competition.
2. — Not yet. But I’d like to take my chance and to take part in the competition.
— OK. Good luck!
3. — Of course, you should. Don’t miss your chance! You can go abroad absolutely free. It’s a chance in a million

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