Complete the dialogue with: • dig deep in my pockets • make ends meet • can’t afford-to • splash-out A: I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the dialogue with:
•    dig deep in my pockets • make ends meet
•    can’t afford-to • splash-out
A: I don’t know what I’m going to do.
B: What’s wrong this time?
A: I just can’t seem to 1) make ends meet,
В: I know what you mean. Everything is so expensive these days. I feel like I have to 2) dig deep in my pockets more and more.
A: Me too. You know I used to be able to 3)    splash-out on clothes and CDs once or twice a month but no^ … ,
В: … now you 4) can’t afford-to buy anything, right? A: You said it!

Ответ от эксперта

1 make ends meet (свести концы с концами)
2 dig deep in my pockets (копаться глубоко в карманах)
3 splash out (сорить деньгами)
4 can’t afford to (не можете позволить себе)

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