Complete the dialogue using the causative form of the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. A: Hi, Jane. How are you?

Вопрос от пользователя

Complete the dialogue using the causative form of the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
A: Hi, Jane. How are you?
B: I’m fine, thanks. I’ve just been helping my cousin get things ready for her wedding.
A: Oh, when’s she getting married?
B: On Saturday.
A: Wow! She must be really busy then.
B: Yes she 1)…… (her hair/straighten) and coloured tomorrow, and on Saturday morning she 2)……(her make up/do) professionally. She might even 3)……(false nails/put on)!
A: Well, you’re supposed to look good on your wedding day, aren’t you?
B: Yes, I suppose so. Her husband-to-be looks really great at the moment. He 4)……(his teeth/whiten) and he’s started wearing contact lenses.
A: Fantastic! That reminds me. I 5)…… (my eyes/test) this afternoon. Do you want to meet me in town later?
B: Sorry, but I’m going to 6)……(my hair/cut).
A: OK, then. Talk to you later.

Ответ от эксперта

1 is having her hair straightened (выпрямит волосы)
2 is having her makeup done (сделает макияж)
3 have false nails put on (сделала накладные ногти)
4 has had his teeth whitened (отбелил зубы)
5 ‘m having my eyes tested (проверил глаза)
6 have my hair cut (подстричься)

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