Complete the CV as if you were looking for a summer / Saturday / part-time job. Use the Transliteration Table. Compare your CV with your classmates’. (See Ex. 24, p. 162 in Student s Book.)

Вопрос посетителя

Complete the CV as if you were looking for a summer / Saturday / part-time job. Use the Transliteration Table. Compare your CV with your classmates’. (See Ex. 24, p. 162 in Student s Book.)

Ответ эксперта

Personal Details:
Ivan Ivanov
22 Down Street
Moscow, Russia
Date of birth: 12.01.1997
Tel: 89023834545
Education: 2004-2015, Moscow School 1234
Work experience: Teaching English – Teaching my 7 years old brother for a year
Skills: Foreign languages – English, French. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office
Interests: Playing the guitar, reading books
Личные данные: Иван Иванов
22 Down Street
Москва, Россия
Дата рождения: 12.01.1997
Тел: 89023834545
Образование: 2004-2015, Московская школа 1234
Опыт работы: Преподавание английского языка — Обучение семилетнего брата в течение года
Навыки: Знание иностранных языков — английский, французский. Хорошее знание Microsoft Office
Интересы: игра на гитаре, чтение книг

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