Circle the mistake (A or B) and then correct it, as in the example. 1 James had breakfast and left for work. 2 At 10 am yesterday morning,

Вопрос от пользователя

Circle the mistake (A or B) and then correct it, as in the example.
1 James had breakfast and left for work.
2 At 10 am yesterday morning, Sarah was cooking while her sister was tidying her room.
3 Tom had been waiting for Jessica for an hour before she arrived, so he was upset.
4 After Charlie had cut the grass, he watered the flowers.
5 Helen used to live in London before she moved to Madrid.
6 Mike bumped into an old friend of his while he was jogging in the park.
7 When she came home, Nathalie fed her cat, made dinner and watched some TV.

Ответ от эксперта

1 А had (Past Simple, т.к. здесь идет перечисление действий друг за другом в прошлом)
2 B was tidying (два действия, которые совершались одновременно, в обеих частях должно быть Past Continuous)
3 A had been waiting (Past Perfect Continuous, т.к. указана продолжительность ожидания «for an hour»)
4 B watered (это не повторяющееся, рутинное действие, поэтому used to здесь использовать нельзя)
5 B moved (обе части предложения в Past Simple)
6 B was jogging (Past Continuous, т.к. вторая часть показывает некий процесс в прошлом, который происходил во время первой части предложения)
7 B made (Past Simple, т.к. здесь идет перечисление действий друг за другом в прошлом)

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