Circle the mistake (A or B) and then correct it. 1 Stunts in adventure films today are becoming more and more dangerous than in the past.

Вопрос от пользователя

Circle the mistake (A or B) and then correct it.
1 Stunts in adventure films today are becoming more and more dangerous than in the past.
2 The more talented an artist is, the more chances he has of becoming famous.
3 I think jazz is rather interesting, but my friend Sophie insists that reggae is a lot better than jazz.
4 The film Happy Feet wasn’t as adventurous as the film Madagascar, and also Madagascar was much funnier than Happy Feet.
5 Pam’s voice is a slightly better than her sister’s, but she doesn’t feel very comfortable singing in front of others.

Ответ от эксперта

1 A more and more
2 A The more talented
3 B a lot better
4 B much funnier
5 A slightly better

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