Circle the correct response. 1 A: I’m overweight! B: Have you thought about taking more exercise?

Вопрос от пользователя

Circle the correct response.
A: I’m overweight!
B: Have you thought about taking more exercise?
a Have you thought about taking more exercise?
b Maybe you’re right.
A: So what are you going to order?
В: I’ll have a cola.
a I hate tea!
b I’ll have a cola.
A: I get terrible indigestion.
B: Have you thought about avoiding spicy foods?
a Have you thought about avoiding spicy foods?
b Thanks! I hadn’t thought of that.
A: I’ve had a toothache for a week now.
B: If I were you, I’d go to see a dentist.
a Much better, thanks.
b If I were you, I’d go to see a dentist.
A: My mouth is feeling a bit sore.
B: You should order a nice soothing cup of lemon tea.
a Are you feeling better?
b You should order a nice soothing cup of lemon tea.
A: I’ve just been to the doctor’s.
B: Everything OK?
a Everything OK?
b I’m not sure if it’ll work.

Ответ от эксперта

1 a
2 b
3 a
4 b
5 b
6 a

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