Circle the correct preposition. 1 I do the gardening at / on Sundays. 2 John is crazy with / about skating! 3 There are so many activities to choose from / in.

Вопрос посетителя

Circle the correct preposition.
1    I do the gardening at / on Sundays.
2   John is crazy with / about skating!
3    There are so many activities to choose from / in.
4    Paula went for a ride on / in the carousel.
5    We are going to / at the beach on Saturday.
6   Where can ! shop for / about surfing gear?
7   Do you like hanging out / from at the shopping centre?

Ответ эксперта

Circle the correct preposition.
1 I do the gardening on Sundays.
2 John is crazy about skating!
3 There are so many activities to choose from.
4 Paula went for a ride on the carousel.
5 We are going to the beach on Saturday.
6 Where can I shop for surfing gear?
7 Do you like hanging out at the shopping centre?

1 Я занимаюсь садом по воскресеньям
2 Джон без ума от катания на коньках!
3 Тут большой выбор чем заняться.
4 Паула пошла кататься на карусели.
5 Мы идем на пляж в субботу.
6 Где я могу купить оборудование для серфинга?
7 Ты любишь долго гулять по торговому центру?

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