Circle the correct answers to the following questions. 1. Frances’ parents wanted to put her to bed. What did they do? a) Father and Mother gave her a glass of milk.

Вопрос от пользователя

Circle the correct answers to the following questions.
1. Frances’ parents wanted to put her to bed. What did they do?
a)  Father and Mother gave her a glass of milk.
b)  Mother gave her the doll.
c)  Father gave her the teddy bear.
d) Father and Mother kissed her goodnight.
e) Father gave her a cake.
f) Mother sang the ABC song to her.
2. Frances could not sleep. What did she think about?
g) about a giant in her room, h) about a tiger in her room, i) about a TV set in her room.
j) about the curtains on the window.
3)  Put the correct answers in ex. 2) in the correct order.

Ответ от эксперта

1 -a,b,c,d,e

2 — g,h,j

в правильном порядке

a d c b  e h g j

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