Circle the correct answer. 1 We’ll continue the investigation until/when we find the murderer. 2 I turned on the light until/as soon as I arrived.

Вопрос от пользователя

Circle the correct answer.
1 We’ll continue the investigation until/when we find the murderer.
2    I turned on the light until/as soon as I arrived.
3    Amy  left  for  work  after/uihtil  she  had breakfast.
4    Helen waited as soon as/until it got dark.
5    She ran to the police station after/until she saw the thief.
6    Please turn off the computer when/after you leave.

Ответ от эксперта

1 We’ll continue the investigation until we find the murderer.
2 I turned on the light as soon as I arrived.
3 Amy left for work after she had breakfast.
4 Helen waited until it got dark.
5 She ran to the police station after she saw the thief.
6 Please turn off the computer when you leave.
1 Мы продолжим расследование, пока не найдем преступника.
2 Я включил свет, как только пришел
3 Эми ушла на работу после того, как позавтракала
4 Хелен ждала до того, как стало темно
5 Она побежала в полицейский участок после того, как увидела вора.
6 Пожалуйста, выключайте компьютер, когда уходите.

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