Choose three phrasal verbs from Exercise 1. Write your own sentence for each verb. 1. We were very angry with him, but it turned out that he didn’t make any mistake

Вопрос от пользователя

Choose three phrasal verbs from Exercise 1. Write your own sentence for each verb.
1. We were very angry with him, but it turned out that he didn’t make any mistake

Ответ от эксперта

1. We were very angry with him, but it turned out that he didn’t make any mistake. — Мы были очень злы на него, но оказалось, что он не сделал ни одной ошибки.
2. To find out more about rare animals search the Internet. — Для того чтобы узнать больше о редких животных, поищи в Интернете.
3. I stayed up all night and my mother couldn’t wake me up in the morning. — Я не спал всю ночь, и моя мать не могла разбудить меня утром.

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