Choose the right preposition: We had made some progress in the dinner, when I reminded Herbert of his promise to tell me _ Miss Havisham

Вопрос посетителя

Choose the right preposition: But, as I was used to sit beside Joe whenever I entered that place of resort, I said «No, thank you, sir,» and fell into the space Joe made for me _ the opposite settle
 (*ответ*) on
Choose the right preposition: He did this so that nobody but I saw the file; and when he had done it he wiped the file and put it _ a breastpocket
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: He had a pipe _ his mouth, and he took it out, and, after slowly blowing all his smoke away and looking hard at me all the time, nodded
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: He had not a handsome face, but it was better than handsome: being extremely amiable and cheerful. His figure was a little ungainly, as in the days when my knuckles had taken such liberties _ it, but it looked as if it would always be light and young
 (*ответ*) with
Choose the right preposition: He stirred his rum-and-water pointedly at me, and he tasted his rum-and-water pointedly _ me
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: He was a secret-looking man whom I had never seen before. His head was all on one side, and one of his eyes was half shut up, as if he were taking aim _ something with an invisible gun
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: He was still a pale young gentleman, and had a certain conquered languor _ him in the midst of his spirits and briskness, that did not seem indicative of natural strength
 (*ответ*) about
Choose the right preposition: Her half-brother had now ample means again, but what with debts and what _ new madness wasted them most fearfully again
 (*ответ*) with
Choose the right preposition: Her mother died when she was a baby, and her father denied her nothing. Her father was a country gentleman down _ in your part of the world, and was a brewer
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: I don’t know why it should be a crack thing to be a brewer; but it is indisputable that while you cannot possibly be genteel and bake, you may be as genteel _ never was and brew. You see it every day
 (*ответ*) as
Choose the right preposition: I further mentioned that as I had been brought up a blacksmith _ a country place, and knew very little of the ways of politeness, I would take it as a great kindness in him if he would give me a hint whenever he saw me at a loss or going wrong
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: I had been doing this, _an excess of attention to his recital. I thanked him, and apologized. He said, «Not at all,» and resumed
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: I knew it to be Joe’s file, and I knew that he knew my convict, the moment I saw the instrument. I sat gazing _ him, spell-bound
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: I thanked him, and said I would. I informed him _ exchange that my Christian name was Philip
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: I therefore told him my small story, and laid stress _ my being forbidden to inquire who my benefactor was
 (*ответ*) on
Choose the right preposition: It being Saturday night, I found the landlord looking rather grimly _ these records, but as my business was with Joe and not with him, I merely wished him good evening, and passed into the common room at the end of the passage, where there was a bright large kitchen fire, and where Joe was smoking his pipe in company with Mr. Wopsle and a stranger
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: It is scarcely worth mentioning, only it’s as well to do as other people do. Also, the spoon is not generally used over-hand, but _
 (*ответ*) under
Choose the right preposition: It was not a verbal remark, but a proceeding in dumb show, and was pointedly addressed _ me
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: Joe greeted me _ usual with «Halloa, Pip, old chap!» and the moment he said that, the stranger turned his head and looked at me
 (*ответ*) as
Choose the right preposition: Miss Havisham was now an heiress, and you may suppose was looked _ as a great match
 (*ответ*) after
Choose the right preposition: Now,» he pursued, «concerning Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham, .. you must know, was a spoilt child
 (*ответ*) as
Choose the right preposition: The strange man, after glancing _ Joe, and seeing that his attention was otherwise engaged, nodded to me again when I had taken my seat, and then rubbed his leg—in a very odd way, as it struck me
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: They had been there ever since I could remember, and had grown more than I had. But there was a quantity of chalk about our country, and perhaps the people neglected no opportunity _turning it to account
 (*ответ*) of
Choose the right preposition: This again was heightened _ a certain gipsy character that set the banquet off; for, while the table was, as Mr. Pumblechook might have said, the lap of luxury—being entirely furnished forth from the coffee-house—the circumjacent region of sitting-room was of a comparatively pastureless and shifty character
 (*ответ*) by
Choose the right preposition: This I would not hear _ so he took the top, and I faced him. It was a nice little dinner—seemed to me then, a very Lord Mayor’s Feast—and it acquired additional relish from being eaten under those independent circumstances, with no old people by, and with London all around us
 (*ответ*) of
Choose the right preposition: We had made some progress in the dinner, when I reminded Herbert of his promise to tell me _ Miss Havisham
 (*ответ*) about

Ответ эксперта

Choose the right preposition: But, as I was used to sit beside Joe whenever I entered that place of resort, I said «No, thank you, sir,» and fell into the space Joe made for me _ the opposite settle
 (*ответ*) on
Choose the right preposition: He did this so that nobody but I saw the file; and when he had done it he wiped the file and put it _ a breastpocket
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: He had a pipe _ his mouth, and he took it out, and, after slowly blowing all his smoke away and looking hard at me all the time, nodded
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: He had not a handsome face, but it was better than handsome: being extremely amiable and cheerful. His figure was a little ungainly, as in the days when my knuckles had taken such liberties _ it, but it looked as if it would always be light and young
 (*ответ*) with
Choose the right preposition: He stirred his rum-and-water pointedly at me, and he tasted his rum-and-water pointedly _ me
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: He was a secret-looking man whom I had never seen before. His head was all on one side, and one of his eyes was half shut up, as if he were taking aim _ something with an invisible gun
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: He was still a pale young gentleman, and had a certain conquered languor _ him in the midst of his spirits and briskness, that did not seem indicative of natural strength
 (*ответ*) about
Choose the right preposition: Her half-brother had now ample means again, but what with debts and what _ new madness wasted them most fearfully again
 (*ответ*) with
Choose the right preposition: Her mother died when she was a baby, and her father denied her nothing. Her father was a country gentleman down _ in your part of the world, and was a brewer
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: I don’t know why it should be a crack thing to be a brewer; but it is indisputable that while you cannot possibly be genteel and bake, you may be as genteel _ never was and brew. You see it every day
 (*ответ*) as
Choose the right preposition: I further mentioned that as I had been brought up a blacksmith _ a country place, and knew very little of the ways of politeness, I would take it as a great kindness in him if he would give me a hint whenever he saw me at a loss or going wrong
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: I had been doing this, _an excess of attention to his recital. I thanked him, and apologized. He said, «Not at all,» and resumed
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: I knew it to be Joe’s file, and I knew that he knew my convict, the moment I saw the instrument. I sat gazing _ him, spell-bound
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: I thanked him, and said I would. I informed him _ exchange that my Christian name was Philip
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: I therefore told him my small story, and laid stress _ my being forbidden to inquire who my benefactor was
 (*ответ*) on
Choose the right preposition: It being Saturday night, I found the landlord looking rather grimly _ these records, but as my business was with Joe and not with him, I merely wished him good evening, and passed into the common room at the end of the passage, where there was a bright large kitchen fire, and where Joe was smoking his pipe in company with Mr. Wopsle and a stranger
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: It is scarcely worth mentioning, only it’s as well to do as other people do. Also, the spoon is not generally used over-hand, but _
 (*ответ*) under
Choose the right preposition: It was not a verbal remark, but a proceeding in dumb show, and was pointedly addressed _ me
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: Joe greeted me _ usual with «Halloa, Pip, old chap!» and the moment he said that, the stranger turned his head and looked at me
 (*ответ*) as
Choose the right preposition: Miss Havisham was now an heiress, and you may suppose was looked _ as a great match
 (*ответ*) after
Choose the right preposition: Now,» he pursued, «concerning Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham, .. you must know, was a spoilt child
 (*ответ*) as
Choose the right preposition: The strange man, after glancing _ Joe, and seeing that his attention was otherwise engaged, nodded to me again when I had taken my seat, and then rubbed his leg—in a very odd way, as it struck me
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: They had been there ever since I could remember, and had grown more than I had. But there was a quantity of chalk about our country, and perhaps the people neglected no opportunity _turning it to account
 (*ответ*) of
Choose the right preposition: This again was heightened _ a certain gipsy character that set the banquet off; for, while the table was, as Mr. Pumblechook might have said, the lap of luxury—being entirely furnished forth from the coffee-house—the circumjacent region of sitting-room was of a comparatively pastureless and shifty character
 (*ответ*) by
Choose the right preposition: This I would not hear _ so he took the top, and I faced him. It was a nice little dinner—seemed to me then, a very Lord Mayor’s Feast—and it acquired additional relish from being eaten under those independent circumstances, with no old people by, and with London all around us
 (*ответ*) of
Choose the right preposition: We had made some progress in the dinner, when I reminded Herbert of his promise to tell me _ Miss Havisham
 (*ответ*) about

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