Choose the right preposition: Instinctively the man felt _ him a glowing resentment of something he had not the courage to resent. When Wash walked through the streets such

Вопрос посетителя

Choose the right preposition: In Winesburg no attention was paid to Wash Williams and his hatred to his fellows. Once Mrs. White, the banker’s wife, complained _ the telegraph company, saying that the office in Winesburg was dirty and smelled abominably, but nothing came of her complaint. Here and there a man respected the operator
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: Instinctively the man felt _ him a glowing resentment of something he had not the courage to resent. When Wash walked through the streets such a one had an instinct to pay him homage, to raise his hat or to bow before him. The superintendent who had supervision over the telegraph operators on the railroad that went through Winesburg felt that way
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: On the next evening the operator and George Willard walked out together. Down the railroad they went and sat _ a pile of decaying railroad ties beside the tracks. It was then that the operator told the young reporter his story of hate
 (*ответ*) on
Choose the right preposition: On the pile of railroad ties _ the summer evening, he waited expectantly. When the operator remained silent and seemed to have changed his mind about talking, he tried to make conversation
 (*ответ*) on
Choose the right preposition: Perhaps a dozen times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived _his father’s hotel had been on the point of talking. The young man looked at the hideous, leering face staring about the hotel dining room and was consumed with curiosity
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: Something he saw lurking in the staring eyes told him that the man who had nothing to say to others had nevertheless something to say _ him.. “Where you ever married, Mr Williams?” he began
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: Stevens reached over and cut the switch, so that the editor’s car coasted, slowing as he began to brake it, the hearse and the other car drawing rapidly away now as though in flight, the light and unrained summer dust spurting _ beneath the fleeing wheels; soon they were gone
 (*ответ*) from
Choose the right preposition: The customers at Bogle’s were her slaves. Six tables full she could wait upon at once. They who were in a hurry restrained their impatience _ the joy of merely gazing upon her swiftly moving, graceful figure
 (*ответ*) into
Choose the right preposition: The editor turned his car clumsily, grinding the gears, sawing and filing until it was back in the road facing town again. Then he sat _ a moment, his foot on the clutch
 (*ответ*) for
Choose the right preposition: The girl was ashamed and stood perfectly still staring _ the floor. The mother didn’t come into the room. When she had pushed the girl in through the door she stood in the hallway waiting, hoping we would – well, you see – waiting
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: The name _ the other waitress was Tildy. Why do you suggest Matilda? Please listen this name – Tildy – Tildy. Tildy was dumpy, plain-faced, and too anxious to please to please. Repeat the last clause to yourself once or twice, and make the acquaintance of the duplicate infinite
 (*ответ*) of
Choose the right preposition: The needs of Bogle’s customers were supplied by two waitresses and a Voice. One of the waitresses was named Aileen. She was tall, beautiful, lively, gracious and learned in persiflage. Her other name? There was no more necessity for the other name at Bogle’s than there was _ finger-bowls
 (*ответ*) for
Choose the right preposition: The night and their own thoughts had aroused something _ them. As they were returning to Main Street they passed the little lawn beside the railroad station and saw Wash Williams apparently asleep on the grass beneath a tree
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: The Voice at Bogle’s was invisible. It came from the kitchen, and did not shine in the way of originality. It was a heathen Voice, and contented itself _ vain repetitions of exclamations emitted by the waitresses concerning food
 (*ответ*) with
Choose the right preposition: Then, with Miss Worsham and the old Negress in Stevens’s car with the driver he had hired and himself and the editor _the editor’s, they followed the hearse as it swung into the long hill up from the station, going fast in a whining lower gear until it reached the crest
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: Then, with the idle white men and youths and small boys and probably half a hundred Negroes, men and women too, watching quietly, the Negro undertaker’s men lifted the grey-and-silver casket from the train and carried it _ the hearse and snatched the wreaths and floral symbols of man’s ultimate and inevitable end briskly out and slid the casket in and flung the flowers back and clapped-to the door
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: There was nothing to say. I had four hundred dollars in the bank and I gave her that. I didn’t ask her reasons. I didn’t say anything. When she had gone I cried like a silly boy. Pretty soon I had a chance to sell the house and I sent that money _ her
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: They who had finished eating ate more that they might continue _ the light of her smiles. Every man there – and they were mostly men – tried to make his impression upon her
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: This monkey is a true monster. In the completeness of his ugliness he achieved a kind of perverted beauty. Children stopping before the cage are fascinated, men turn away with an air of disgust, and women linger _ a moment, trying perhaps to remember which one of their male acquaintances the thing in some faint was resembles
 (*ответ*) for
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams once had a wife. When he was still a young man he married a woman at Dayton, Ohio. The woman was tall and slender and had blue eyes and yellow hair. Wash was himself a comely youth. He loved the woman with a love as absorbing as the hatred he later felt _ all women
 (*ответ*) for
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams spat forth a succession of vile oaths. “Yes, she is dead,” he agreed. “She is dead as all women are dead. She is a living-dead thing, walking in the sight of men and making the earth foul _ her presence.” Staring into the boy’s eyes, the man became purple with rage
 (*ответ*) by

Ответ эксперта

Choose the right preposition: In Winesburg no attention was paid to Wash Williams and his hatred to his fellows. Once Mrs. White, the banker’s wife, complained _ the telegraph company, saying that the office in Winesburg was dirty and smelled abominably, but nothing came of her complaint. Here and there a man respected the operator
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: Instinctively the man felt _ him a glowing resentment of something he had not the courage to resent. When Wash walked through the streets such a one had an instinct to pay him homage, to raise his hat or to bow before him. The superintendent who had supervision over the telegraph operators on the railroad that went through Winesburg felt that way
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: On the next evening the operator and George Willard walked out together. Down the railroad they went and sat _ a pile of decaying railroad ties beside the tracks. It was then that the operator told the young reporter his story of hate
 (*ответ*) on
Choose the right preposition: On the pile of railroad ties _ the summer evening, he waited expectantly. When the operator remained silent and seemed to have changed his mind about talking, he tried to make conversation
 (*ответ*) on
Choose the right preposition: Perhaps a dozen times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived _his father’s hotel had been on the point of talking. The young man looked at the hideous, leering face staring about the hotel dining room and was consumed with curiosity
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: Something he saw lurking in the staring eyes told him that the man who had nothing to say to others had nevertheless something to say _ him.. “Where you ever married, Mr Williams?” he began
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: Stevens reached over and cut the switch, so that the editor’s car coasted, slowing as he began to brake it, the hearse and the other car drawing rapidly away now as though in flight, the light and unrained summer dust spurting _ beneath the fleeing wheels; soon they were gone
 (*ответ*) from
Choose the right preposition: The customers at Bogle’s were her slaves. Six tables full she could wait upon at once. They who were in a hurry restrained their impatience _ the joy of merely gazing upon her swiftly moving, graceful figure
 (*ответ*) into
Choose the right preposition: The editor turned his car clumsily, grinding the gears, sawing and filing until it was back in the road facing town again. Then he sat _ a moment, his foot on the clutch
 (*ответ*) for
Choose the right preposition: The girl was ashamed and stood perfectly still staring _ the floor. The mother didn’t come into the room. When she had pushed the girl in through the door she stood in the hallway waiting, hoping we would – well, you see – waiting
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: The name _ the other waitress was Tildy. Why do you suggest Matilda? Please listen this name – Tildy – Tildy. Tildy was dumpy, plain-faced, and too anxious to please to please. Repeat the last clause to yourself once or twice, and make the acquaintance of the duplicate infinite
 (*ответ*) of
Choose the right preposition: The needs of Bogle’s customers were supplied by two waitresses and a Voice. One of the waitresses was named Aileen. She was tall, beautiful, lively, gracious and learned in persiflage. Her other name? There was no more necessity for the other name at Bogle’s than there was _ finger-bowls
 (*ответ*) for
Choose the right preposition: The night and their own thoughts had aroused something _ them. As they were returning to Main Street they passed the little lawn beside the railroad station and saw Wash Williams apparently asleep on the grass beneath a tree
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: The Voice at Bogle’s was invisible. It came from the kitchen, and did not shine in the way of originality. It was a heathen Voice, and contented itself _ vain repetitions of exclamations emitted by the waitresses concerning food
 (*ответ*) with
Choose the right preposition: Then, with Miss Worsham and the old Negress in Stevens’s car with the driver he had hired and himself and the editor _the editor’s, they followed the hearse as it swung into the long hill up from the station, going fast in a whining lower gear until it reached the crest
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: Then, with the idle white men and youths and small boys and probably half a hundred Negroes, men and women too, watching quietly, the Negro undertaker’s men lifted the grey-and-silver casket from the train and carried it _ the hearse and snatched the wreaths and floral symbols of man’s ultimate and inevitable end briskly out and slid the casket in and flung the flowers back and clapped-to the door
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: There was nothing to say. I had four hundred dollars in the bank and I gave her that. I didn’t ask her reasons. I didn’t say anything. When she had gone I cried like a silly boy. Pretty soon I had a chance to sell the house and I sent that money _ her
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: They who had finished eating ate more that they might continue _ the light of her smiles. Every man there – and they were mostly men – tried to make his impression upon her
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: This monkey is a true monster. In the completeness of his ugliness he achieved a kind of perverted beauty. Children stopping before the cage are fascinated, men turn away with an air of disgust, and women linger _ a moment, trying perhaps to remember which one of their male acquaintances the thing in some faint was resembles
 (*ответ*) for
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams once had a wife. When he was still a young man he married a woman at Dayton, Ohio. The woman was tall and slender and had blue eyes and yellow hair. Wash was himself a comely youth. He loved the woman with a love as absorbing as the hatred he later felt _ all women
 (*ответ*) for
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams spat forth a succession of vile oaths. “Yes, she is dead,” he agreed. “She is dead as all women are dead. She is a living-dead thing, walking in the sight of men and making the earth foul _ her presence.” Staring into the boy’s eyes, the man became purple with rage
 (*ответ*) by

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