Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Curl was … hair, and as the gold it shone, and spread out as a fan large and broad.

Вопрос посетителя

Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to tarry” means
 (*ответ*) to stay for a time, esp. longer than originally intended; remain temporarily
 to take from one place to another
 to decrease gradually in width and thickness
 to strike lightly and rapidly
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to void” means
 (*ответ*) to empty (the contents of something); to evacuate
 to declare emphatically, earnestly
 to declare a preference, wish opinion, etc.
 to utter or express in words
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to wail” means
 (*ответ*) to lament; mourn; to make a plaintive, sad, crying sound
 to play a trick on
 to move slowly
 to swim
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “tournament” is
 (*ответ*) a sport consisting of an encounter between knights on horseback, in which the opponents tried to unseat one another with lances, the winner receiving a prize
 an informal variety of football in which a defensive player stops the play by touching the ball carrier rather than by tackling
 a method of typing without looking at the keyboard by regularly touching a given key with a specific finger
 a fireworks device that rises with a spiral motion
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “woe” is
 (*ответ*) a great sorrow; grief; misery
 a great happiness
 a secret
 a loud scream
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. ”zealous” means
 (*ответ*) ardently devoted to a purpose; fervent; enthusiastic
 without measurable value
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. A young knight named Arveragus … .
 (*ответ*) married the lady he loved
 was forced by his father to get married
 didn’t want to get married
 was refused by the lady he love and was willing to die
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison and Nicholas decided to play … a trick.
 (*ответ*) the carpenter
 the shipman
 the miller
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison, the young carpenter’s wife …. .
 (*ответ*) fell in love with hende Nicholas
 was going to take the veil
 loved Absolon, a parish clerk
 was always faithful to her husband
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Among Dorigen’s friends was …
 (*ответ*) a young squire, strong, rich, wise and highly respected
 a little girl, her step-sister
 a young woman who envied Dorigen and wanted to get rid of her
 an old man, her father’s friend
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus and Dorigen … .
 (*ответ*) loved each other and lived happily
 were quarreling all the time
 were just good friends
 hated each other
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus came home … .
 (*ответ*) with good health and great honor
 tired and sad
 sick and unhappy
 sick and defeated
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus … .
 (*ответ*) was never jealous of his wife as he trusted her
 was unfaithful to his wife
 always suspected his wife of unfaithfulness
 was badly jealous of his wife though she never gave him occasion
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Aurelius’s brother remembered that one day he saw … at Orleans
 (*ответ*) a book of magic naturel
 a book of law
 the Bible
 a book of “black” magic
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Curl was … hair, and as the gold it shone, and spread out as a fan large and broad.
 (*ответ*) Absolon’s

Ответ эксперта

Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to tarry” means
 (*ответ*) to stay for a time, esp. longer than originally intended; remain temporarily
 to take from one place to another
 to decrease gradually in width and thickness
 to strike lightly and rapidly
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to void” means
 (*ответ*) to empty (the contents of something); to evacuate
 to declare emphatically, earnestly
 to declare a preference, wish opinion, etc.
 to utter or express in words
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “to wail” means
 (*ответ*) to lament; mourn; to make a plaintive, sad, crying sound
 to play a trick on
 to move slowly
 to swim
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “tournament” is
 (*ответ*) a sport consisting of an encounter between knights on horseback, in which the opponents tried to unseat one another with lances, the winner receiving a prize
 an informal variety of football in which a defensive player stops the play by touching the ball carrier rather than by tackling
 a method of typing without looking at the keyboard by regularly touching a given key with a specific finger
 a fireworks device that rises with a spiral motion
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. “woe” is
 (*ответ*) a great sorrow; grief; misery
 a great happiness
 a secret
 a loud scream
Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary. ”zealous” means
 (*ответ*) ardently devoted to a purpose; fervent; enthusiastic
 without measurable value
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. A young knight named Arveragus … .
 (*ответ*) married the lady he loved
 was forced by his father to get married
 didn’t want to get married
 was refused by the lady he love and was willing to die
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison and Nicholas decided to play … a trick.
 (*ответ*) the carpenter
 the shipman
 the miller
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Alison, the young carpenter’s wife …. .
 (*ответ*) fell in love with hende Nicholas
 was going to take the veil
 loved Absolon, a parish clerk
 was always faithful to her husband
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Among Dorigen’s friends was …
 (*ответ*) a young squire, strong, rich, wise and highly respected
 a little girl, her step-sister
 a young woman who envied Dorigen and wanted to get rid of her
 an old man, her father’s friend
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus and Dorigen … .
 (*ответ*) loved each other and lived happily
 were quarreling all the time
 were just good friends
 hated each other
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus came home … .
 (*ответ*) with good health and great honor
 tired and sad
 sick and unhappy
 sick and defeated
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Arveragus … .
 (*ответ*) was never jealous of his wife as he trusted her
 was unfaithful to his wife
 always suspected his wife of unfaithfulness
 was badly jealous of his wife though she never gave him occasion
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Aurelius’s brother remembered that one day he saw … at Orleans
 (*ответ*) a book of magic naturel
 a book of law
 the Bible
 a book of “black” magic
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Curl was … hair, and as the gold it shone, and spread out as a fan large and broad.
 (*ответ*) Absolon’s

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