Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionaries. 1 Active kids burn/destroy more calories, so they need to eat more. 2 Fruit must be part/section of a healthy diet.

Вопрос от пользователя

Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionaries.
1 Active kids burn/destroy more calories, so they need to eat more.
2 Fruit must be part/section of a healthy diet.
3 Meat, poultry and fish are rich/full in iron.
4 Control/Check your weight once a month.
5 Make sure you bite/chew your food slowly before you swallow/ sip it.
6 Calcium makes/builds strong bones so make sure dairy products/produce are part of your daily diet/food.
7 To do this exercise, raise/rise your arms up over your head.
8 Regular physical/body activity is just as important as a healthy diet/eating habits.
9 Make sure you follow/stay to a diet that works/does for you. 10 Fruit, vegetables and grains are full/rich in vitamins and short/low in fat.

Ответ от эксперта

1 burn (=сжечь; destroy — уничтожать)
2 part (=часть; section — секция/часть)
3 rich (=богатый; full — заполненный чем-то)
4 Check (=проверять; control — контролировать что-либо/руководить)
5 chew, swallow (=жевать, проглотить; bite, sip — укусить, медленно потягивать (напиток))
6 builds, products, diet (=укрепляет, продукты, рацион; makes, produce, food — изготавливать/производить, представлять, еда)
7 raise (=поднимать; rise — подниматься)
8 physical, eating (=физический, еда; body, diet — тело, диета)
9 follow, works (=следовать, работа; stay, does — оставаться, делать)
10 rich, low (=богатый, низкий; full, short — полный, короткий)

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